Sunday 24 July 2011

Road Trip!

Kofi and I with my Godparents

Former U.N Secretary General Kofi Annan`s House!

A mountain! According to my Dad it is Ghana`s version of the Appalachians

My 3 weeks in Accra really flew by, I could not believe it was already time to head to the Northern part of Ghana. Before leaving, my Dad, Kofi and I met with my Godparents for the first time. It was wonderful to meet them. They were very close friends of my parents and played a huge role as mentors to both of them, and also organized my parents' wedding. I really enjoyed visiting them, it has been rare (actually non-existent) for me during my life to hear people reminisce about my parents' wedding or even to meet true mutual friends. I really liked hearing stories about my parents from like 25+ years ago. The next day (Monday of Week 4) I finished up my shopping for my mom, brother and friends. I bought necklaces, bracelets, keychains, dresses, a flag, futbol jerseys, carvings and so much more! I went shopping at a marketplace in Osu and it was lots of fun. That night my Dad had some nursing students flying in from Michigan, so we went with him to meet them at the airport. These nursing students were taking a rural community health course that had an international option, so the students on the trip along with their course instructor had chosen to do their hands-on portion in the rural community clinics of Tamale, Northern Ghana. It was so funny when they got off the plane and started sweating and complaining of the heat, Kofi and I had looked at each other and been like: "Oh I didn't find it that warm this evening. It's actually kind of cool right now". Kofi and I had really gotten used to the weather. That night we all stayed at the student hostel at the University of Ghana Legon campus. The next day, after breakfast we all set off for the north in a bus. Accra is along the coast of Ghana and our final destination, Tamale, is in the center of the Northern region of Ghana. We drove north and spent a night in Kumasi which is about halfway between Accra and Tamale (about a 6-7 hour drive). The countryside was beautiful! There was so much greenery! Lots of trees, hills and mountains! Although it was a long drive it was wonderful to see so much of Ghana`s countryside and small towns along the way.

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