Sunday 24 July 2011

Last Day!

The small plane I took from Tamale to Accra

Mr. Ernest Pells and I!

My gift :)

I would pass by this tree everyday on my walk home from the hospital...I think it has the most beautiful flowers new favourite beer

Rum next to chocolate bars?

SADLY, my trip finally came to an end on Saturday June 4th. That morning I said good-bye to my Dad and my brother, and flew from Tamale to Accra where my Auntie Agatha met me. We did a bit of shopping and visited a family friend at work who I thought I had never met before. This family friend is Mr. Ernest Pells and he was the best man at my parents' wedding. He went to elementary school with my mom so they have known each other since the age of 6 and he went to high school with my Dad and they have been best friends ever since. He even visited us in the States when I was really young and although I don't remember meeting him, he had pictures with him at work (I'm telling you everywhere I went there were pictures of Kofi and I!!) to prove it. He was very nice, very funny and I'm SO happy I was able to meet him. He, of course reminsced about my parents' wedding, times they shared all spending time together in high school and even told stories about my mom in elementary school. I really liked him and just before leaving he pointed to this beautiful cabinet of statues he has and told me to pick one as a gift. After meeting with him I went back to my Auntie`s house for lunch and spent time with my little cousins one last time before we set off for the airport. I was so sad to leave, it was surreal being in the airport because it made me remember even more clearly the night Kofi and I arrived. I could not believe my trip was over.

I fell in love with Ghana. All my life I always heard about Ghana and met people from Ghana but never did I feel truly connected until I arrived and received a welcome warmer than words can say. I now feel that Ghana is my home too. My Aunties, Uncles, Grandma, cousins and family friends are all so wonderful and we had such a great time together I am determined to visit Ghana more so that I can take advantage of the beautiful family I am so lucky to have. In addition to my family being so welcoming, everyone I worked with at the hospital was so nice, I learned so much and had so much fun working at Korle Bu. Also all the staff at the hostel where I stayed were very helpful and hospitable. I fell in love with the weather, the palm trees, the mango, coconut, palmnut and plaintain trees, the beaches, the buildings and architecture, the shopping, the food, the restaurants, the markets etc etc etc. Ghana is wonderful to visit whether it be for vacation, or for volunteering, I had the time of my life and I cannot wait until my next visit! :) 

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