Sunday 24 July 2011

A Very Special Thank You

I have many people to thank for the wonerful trip I had. I'd like to thank all the doctors I worked with at Korle Bu. I know I've said this many times but they were all so nice and I learned a lot from them. My experience in the hospital really did depend on the doctors I was with and I'm very thankful to the doctors I worked with for giving me the experience of a lifetime.
I'd like to thank the staff at the hostel, Auntie Faustina and all the porters made sure that I had a very pleasant and comfortable stay for which I'm very grateful.

I'd like to thank my next-door neighbours at the hostel Tulana and Jocelynn for being the best girlfriends ever, we had a blast together. :D

I'd also like to thank Buke, Dupe and the other Nigerian girls staying at the hostel, they were again SO NICE and we had lots of fun getting to know each other, and hanging out. My birthday would not have been the same without all of them :)

I'd like to thank Norma and all the nursing students, we had great times in Tamale, it was so nice meeting all of them and experiencing the crocs together! I wouldn't have picked any other group to travel 14 hours by bus with :)

I'd like to say a very SPECIAL thank you to my Aunties, my Uncle, my Grandma and my cousins on both my Mom and my Dad's side for all that you did for Kofi and I when we were in Ghana. Thank you for all the delicious meals prepared, for showing us around, dropping me off and picking me up from the airport, buying us whatever we needed and making us feel extremely welcome in your home. I love you all very much and can never thank you all enough.

I'd like to say a special thank you to Kofi for going on this trip with me. He was wonderful company and since the trip is a total of 22 hours travel time (one way!) I'm thankful I had such a great travel buddy and someone to share this entire experience with, compare notes with and laugh with.

I'd like to say a VERY VERY SPECIAL thank you to my Dad because without him this entire trip would not have even been possible. Aside from the fact that I'm very grateful for the opportunity he gave us to come to Ghana by paying for our flight and accomodation, the work that we did at the hospital was only possible because of him. During the month I spent in Ghana, it was kind of like take-your-kid-to-work-day every day. I was able to see firsthand the work my Dad does with students and how he helps both the students to gain valuable experience, and the hospitals, clinics and patients to gain from the help and resources provided by the students. I am very proud of my Dad and grateful that I was lucky enough to benefit from the hardwork he does and witness the difference he is making in Ghana and for University of Michigan students. Another important reason I had a wonderful experience is because not only did I get the chance to work in a hospital but my Dad took me (and takes all of his students) to see all the beautiful historic sites Ghana has to offer. Thanks to him I was able to experience the culture in southern Ghana (Cape Coast and Accra), central Ghana (Kumasi), and northern Ghana (Tamale and Paga). The work he does really enabled me and enables students to not only learn a lot in our field of interest but also learn so much about, and experience so much in, Ghana. I know my Dad is the reason I didn't just have a good trip, but the trip of a lifetime.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank all of the faithful followers of my blog! My blog would serve no purpose if it weren't for dedicated followers so I'd like to thank my Mom as leader of the pack, Tracey and all of my amazing friends who have been following. I hope you enjoyed my stories, my pictures, my videos and most of all I hope you join me next time I travel to Ghana!! :)


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