Tuesday 14 June 2011

Last Week at the Hospital

The Gynaecology Operating Room

The Gynaecology Clinic

The Blood Bank

So my last week at the hospital was a sad one, but also the peak of my hospital experience. On Mondays my team was on duty from 8:00am to more or less 12:00p.m the following day. The team was split up covering the obsetrics clinic, gynaecology clinic, maternity ward and the labour ward. I spent time shadowing in all areas, and obviously the labour ward was the COOLEST. It was incredible. I was lucky enough to SCRUB IN on TWO C-SECTIONS! It was the single most amazing thing EVER. I got to hold clamps, dab at blood and help squeeze out newborn babies!! I couldn't believe it! I loved every moment of the labour ward and working at the hospital in general. My entire experience at the hospital was unforgettable, all the doctors I worked with were great and all the patients were such strong beautiful, women :)

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