Tuesday 10 May 2011

Travelling First Class?

So my travels began on Friday morning. My brother Kofi and I took the bus from Ottawa to the Montreal airport around 11 a.m. Since my Dad travels a lot he has this fancy VIP-only card to get him into these fancy lounges the airport has, and lucky for us my brother shares the same name as my dad, so my dad mailed him his card to use. This picture was taken at the lounge in Montreal where they had lots of free finger foods, newspapers, nice couches and free wine and beer. Also there were showers,computer and printer stations and wi-fi.I had to resist taking pictures since that would be very un-VIP of me but trust me the lounges (especially the one in Amsterdam) were amazing. After hanging out in the Montreal airport for a good 6 hours we flew to Amsterdam, which was about a 6 hour flight. I love flying, especially take-off. :) The dinner wasn't too bad and I watched the Black Swan and mostly slept.  We arrived in Amsterdam around 8:00 am (2:00am at home), and before heading to the lounge Kofi and I explored the airport. Shipol is amazing. I loved the airport; there was so much to see, so many shops, 2 McDonalds and lots of restaurants. One thing I noticed was that there was tons of beer everywhere, people were having beer with breakfast at 8:00am! Nuts. Anyway after exploring, we headed to the lounge where there were even more options than in Montreal. We drank beer, watched soccer, had sanwiches, used the computers and slept (in my case, even snored....according to Kofi :P). Then 7 and a half hours later we flew to Accra which was another 6 and a half hour flight. On this flight I was a bit more productive, I watched the Fighter and Social Network, and episodes of Modern Family and Sex and the City haha....finally we arrived in Ghana......


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  2. Hi Efua - It's Tracey whose partner Karen works with your mom...she told us about your trip and your blog. We really enjoyed the pictures (I don't fly so I will never get there) - Keep them up!
