Tuesday 31 May 2011

My 21st Birthday

Kwame and I :)

Kwame Nkrumah's tomb

Left to Right: Tulana, me, Jocelyn and Aesha

Supreme Court of Ghana

My birthday dinner

My Dad and I

May 18th was my 21st Birthday and I had a fabolous day. In the morning my Auntie Theresa delivered this amazing cake to the hostel we stayed at. The cake was on behalf of my Grandma, all my Aunties and my little cousins. Afterwards I set off downtown with my brother and 3 girls from Michigan staying at the hostel, Jocelyn, Tulana and Aesha. We toured the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Center, the Arts Center and the Supreme Court of Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah was the first president of Ghana and the memorial site was beautiful. His tomb was there along with the tomb of his wife and there was a beautiful museum (in which you were not allowed to take pictures) which held pictures and artifacts of his entire life. It was very cool - a definite must see in Ghana. The Arts Center was also really nice - it was basically an outdoor marketplace with a lot of artwork, and clothing. The Supreme Court was also beautiful, I find a lot of the architecture of the buildings are very royal and castle like, but instead of the typical grey stone-castle-look, they're all this pretty white colour with intricate design (not just typical ivy creeping up the side). Afterwards, we went to dinner at this Italian pizza place called Mamma Mia's. In addition to myself, my dad and brother, and the girls from Michigan, 6 other Nigerian girls staying at the hostel, and a friend of my dad's joined us for dinner. It was SO good and so much fun. I brought along my cake so after dinner the whole restaurant sang happy birthday and we had my cake for dessert. To top things off, after we left the restaurant, the girls got together and bought me this gorgeous Ghanaian dress! It was SO nice of them I couldn't believe it! I of course must mention that it was the first time I was away from my Mom on my birthday and I really wish she could have been there, but it was definitely a 21st birthday to remember.

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